Tuesday 20 April 2010

Apple iPhone OS 4

As a follower of all matters technological, as well as an owner of two iPods and Mac fan, I was overjoyed when Apple released OS4 for iPhone and iPod touch. But, as with everything else Apple have ever made, there's a catch... OS4 only runs all its features on iPhone 3GS and the newest generation of iTouches. Not much of a problem for me since I have a 32GB 3rd gen iTouch, but a deffinite put-off for some. Some older devices can run it, but without some key features.
Despite the great range of features that they have added in this, the newest iPhone OS, I can't help feeling that some of this stuff should have been there from the start. Things like custom wallpapers, something easy to implement yet functional and fun, or the App Icon Folders that help anyone who, like me has around 200 apps on at any one time, organise them. These things are great additions to iPhone OS's many features, but it really feels that they are simple enough for Apple to have been able to incorporate them into OS 1. That said, OS4 promises some great new features like Game Center, like XBox Live, with achievements and the like, but most importantly, Multitasking! As a PS3 fan, I'd have rather they based the social gaming network feature (Game Center) on the PSN, but with the iPhone's somewhat limited features compared to XBox 360 and PS3, it will be pretty similar to both... But by far the most important update is Multitasking, which propel both the iTouch and the iPhone into their own league of pocket computing. Something that the iPad should have had from the start but will have to wait till Autumn for, Multitasking is the last thing that devices running iPhone OS needed to become computing ledgends.
And all I can say is... I CAN'T WAIT!
iPhone OS4 is released in Summer for iPhone and iTouch and Autumn for iPad. Head over to the Apple website to watch Steve Jobs' keynote speech.

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