Wednesday 21 April 2010

I'm a PC, but I can at least try to be a Mac :)

I love Macs, there's no denying it. I don't care about the minuscule linux-like market share that they have compared to Windows. The hardware is all manufactured and assembled by Apple, so they rarely break down. But its not just the quality. They are beautiful :). There is no denying that only the most expensive Sony VAIO Windows laptop can get close to a Mac in a beauty contest, then lose to the Macbook. Most of all, however, I love the Mac OS. It has incredible usability, power, beauty and security. What more do you want from an OS?
Only problem is... I don't have one. They are too expensive :(. A survey of Windows users showed that 70% would switch to Mac if they were cheaper. It is true that every movie, TV show, or program that anyone cares about almost cretainly was made on a Mac, either programmed or edited on a Mac. Even Windows 7 was coded on a Mac Pro because Vista couldn't handle it! Also, whenever you see a computer in a movie or TV show, its always a Mac. I counted 17 separate Macs in the recent movie Kick Ass, which is a great movie by the way. So, since I can't afford one, I decided see how hard it was to install Snow Leopard on a non-Mac. The answer is: Very Hard! It goes against Apple's EULA, so they've made it as difficult as possible. So I went for the next best thing; making my Windows Vista look as much like a Mac as possible. Here are the results:
 The desktop. Yes this is a PC. Pretty good job I did huh?

 The fully functioning dock.

 The fully functioning spotlight search.

 The fully functioning Finder bar.

Yes... an ABOUT THIS MAC window... on a PC.

 Start Menu

A Firefox window.

My Computer window.

So, what do you think. Not bad for a day's work. Hopefully Apple see my handywork and give me a free Mac. I can keep hoping!


  1. takes longer to start up tho
    pretty kl otherwise

  2. You used TUU 2009... or just a fresh transformation pack?

  3. Hey, thx 4 comments. Yes TuneUp Utilities 09 gave me the freedom to change Vista's visual style, but the dock, finder, cursors and everything else was separate. Also, I made most of the style I applied using TUU 09.

    And, yes, startup is slowed down slightly, but its nothing my 2GB RAM can't handle.
